11PM, 3/2 - discipline

"How Being 'Hard On Ourselves' Sabotages Long-Term Discipline (And What To Do Instead)

"how to set resolutions"

you are like a plant

"You Can’t Simply Decide to Be a Different Person"

"the way to spend less time on this app is to prepare more interesting sources of interaction and information, and allow your focus to shift automatically" / "btw I think this is the way to get things done in general, using interest, desire, and attraction instead of discipline or self-control" - @ftlsid

6PM, 2/26 - real

on being really real:

are minds made of wonder?

"i once met this girl who followed her heart so strongly i was smitten"

4PM, 2/26 - nice

a collection of links on nice guy-ism as a defense mechanism:

interesting bc this is the kind of stuff i'd be more curious about but it really does seem to contradict a lot of my foundational beliefs re: the way of jesus, eschatological/resurrection gender, etc.

gosh im confused

11AM, 2/18 - psychodiversity

keywords: memetics, psychofauna, social contagion, social construction

Book Review: Crazy Like Us

1AM, 2/6 - moving

improv is a kind of forgiveness meditation

improv without forgiveness is impossible

and vice versa

surrendering to unconditional acceptance of reality

1AM, 2/4 - suicide

some notes on first reformed:

9PM, 1/6 - fragments
2024 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓